Hello Mayer,

You Already know Simcity Buildit is the most popular city builder game in the world launched by EA. It is very easy to play and simple. You can build a superb city by taking offers, selling products, earning simoleons, trading and upgrading city. 

First, I don't have any idea about this game. just played. I made lot of houses and made products to upgrade my buildings. then, they(sims) asked about some service but I couldn't supply any service for my sims. I lost my money (simoleons). My sims were unhappy and some of them are abandoned the city. They always complained about their difficulties. It was very annoying. I couldn't continued the game. So, I re-installed and stared to play again. 

@ my Second time, I placed few of residential plots and upgraded them, Supplied service them. Always tried to keep a gap between capacity and demand in services buildings. 

Here, I am going to tell you about some tricks and hints I got while playing . I think it will be helpful. 

Let's start.

You can begin this game with a small residential plot ,developing your residential buildings and earning simoleons.

How to make money?

1. Simoleons  

Simoleons are used to buy everything in game. You can earn simoleons by;
                         1. by upgrading residential plots
                         2. by taxes 
                         3. by taking offers
                         4. by selling products 

2. Simbucks   

You can earn simbucks by completing achievements and upgrading levels. Also You can pay real world money.

3. Golden Keys 

You can start earn golden keys after you unlock the Cargo Dock.  A ship will come and request some goods. by selling requested goods , you can earn golden keys. 

Residential Plots 

When You Upgrade your residential plots, You Will Earn Some Money. By upgrading residential plots your Population and tax income will increase. don't place too much residential plots. Think about your service demand and capacity. 


You will get offers while the game. Sometimes you can earn money by selling some goods with a little profit than Global Trade HQ prices. 


More Population gives you more taxes. If you don't think about your sims happiness, they will abandon your city and your population will decrease.  Always try to stay 90-100% happiness. 

These are my taxes details. There  are 9785 simoleons in 24h. My population is about 53873 and Happiness is 98%.  

Global Trade HQ 

You can make products using factories and sell them across Global Trade HQ.

Also You can buy items what you need to upgrade your city.


Here, You don't need to play daily. You Can make money just collecting taxes and selling products. Don't try to be a quick City builder. Be Patience and Plan more. Don't Waste your simoleons. You Can build a super gorgeous city. Don't Be hurry. 
Always keep remember this; 

More taxes ----> More Population ----> More Happiness ----> More Services -----> More Simoleons
So, Don't Waste Your simoleons. 


  1. Metal 
  2. Wood 
  3. Plastic 
  4. Seeds 
  5. Minerals 
  6. Chemicals  
  7. Textiles 
Building Supplies Store

1.Nails - 2 metals 
2.Planks - 2 wood
3.Bricks - 2 minerals
4.Cement - 2 minerals , 2 chemical
5.Glue - 1 plastic, 1 chemical

Hardware Store

1.Hammer - 1 metal, 1 wood
2.Measuring Tape - 1 metal , 1 plastic
3.Shovel - 1 metal, 1 wood, 1 plastic

Farmers Market

1.Vegetables- 2 seeds

Furniture Store 

1.Chairs - 2 woods, 1 nail, 1 hammer

Selling Prices (Max $)
  • Metal - 10
  • Wood  - 20
  • Plastic  - 25
  • Seeds - 30
  • Minerals - 40
  • Chemicals - 60 
  • Textiles - 90
  • Nails - 80

  • Planks - 120
  • Bricks - 190
  • Cement - 440
  • Glue - 440
  • Hammer - 90
  • Measuring Tape - 110  
  • Shovel - 150
  • Vegetables - 160
  • Chairs - 300


Technology said…
Simcity buildit is one of those games to enhance your skills. In SimCity, you can understand the essentials of real estate and the planning of new housing societies.

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